Inspired by my PhD advisor Felix Freiling, since May 2020 I am introducing d for my inbox. Quoting his site: " I will fix a time interval d and after d time I will completely remove all unanswered email from my inbox that is older than d". As of May 2020, d is set to 7 days. That is, if you haven't received an answer from me within d, assume you'll not get an answer anymore.
I am a tenured faculty at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. Prior to that, I was a research group leader and previously postdoctoral researcher at the Center for IT-Security, Privacy and Accountability at Saarland University in the group of Michael Backes. Before joining CISPA, I was a PhD student and research fellow at the Security Research Group of the University Erlangen-Nuremberg, supervised by Felix Freiling. During that time, I was fortunate enough to join Ben Livshits and Ben Zorn at Microsoft Research in Redmond for an internship.
My research interests lie within Web Security, Network Security, Reverse Engineering, and Vulnerability Notifications. In addition, I enjoy the challenges provided in Capture the Flag competitions and am always trying to get more students involved in them (especially in our local team saarsec).