We offer theses in the areas of Web vulnerability detection, analyis, and mitigation as well as on the broad subject of vulnerability notifications. It is strongly encouraged that you have taken courses in this area, specifically the advanced lecture on Web security our groups offers. Moreover, note that theses in our group are typically high-effort/high-reward, which are meant to be submitted as papers to the major venues in our field. Considering the amount of credit points you will receive for this, expect that you should be able to spent around 20h/week for the duration of your thesis on the topic.
If you are interested in a thesis in this area, please contact Ben Stock. Please include the word "Stuhlsatzenhaus" in your email subject to confirm that you have read this page and understand the implications of theses within our group. I will ignore emails that do not contain this keyword.
For students enrolled in the Computer Science Graduate School, we offer Research Immersion Labs. These typically include a full-time research visit for about 6 weeks, in which you will be exposed to cutting research done within our group. As with any position in our group, we expect a strong background in Web security. If you are eligible for a RIL and have already demonstrated your expertise in Web security (e.g., in our lecture), contact Ben Stock to discuss options.